This rooster lives at the Living Light Hostel where I am also staying. It never has a clue what the time is. It just screams all day and night. Three in the morning or four-thirty in the afternoon, it just walks around and screams. So I yell at it, throw rocks at it, and chase it away. I hate this stinkin bird, but it puts a smile on my face to know that one day it'll get eaten... Sorry animal lovers... Sidenote: I totally had Walabi for dinner last night.

This is Pastor Maria. She's in charge of Faith Club and Hope Kids. She has such a passion to show the love of Christ to children that don't really know love from anywhere else. I love serving with her because she really just lives her ministry. She even has taken in tons of kids, lives with, and takes care of them. Some of the kids that were in Hope Kids and Faith Club have grown up to be her main leaders now. It's just incredible to see the fruit of her ministries.

This is Pastor Magi. I went out to the bush with him to visit some villages where Living Light is planting churches. He's such an incredible man with a heart just to love God's people. Everywhere we went, everyone, I mean everyone, knew who he was. He just loves to serve and show the Lord to people.

This is me and a couple of guys at the most beautiful beach I've ever seen... I visited a village here with the the Living Light Church Planting team. It was incredible.

This is my first coconut. These guys just whip out their machete and chop a perfect hole in the top, about the size of a half-dollar, to drink out of. I was impressed...

Sweet sunburn that I got on a long drive with my arm out the window. I was pretty stoked on it...
You're so funny!
I'm totally in line with the "animals are animals" mentality, but in fairness he was there first... ha, ha, just kidding, tell him you know the Colonel (Sanders that is) and maybe he'll be quiet for you, or at least go off and hide! That was dumb, oh well it's almpst 2 am here.
So glad you're blogging.
Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Oh you're funny Diana... I'm trying to get them up as much as I can.
Sweet bracelet tan...maybe you should work on that instead of your version of the "bushy man beard"
Ok so as i was reading the Rooster part these were my thoughts:
1)It's the PNG bok bok
2)I bet Robby's yelling at that guy when he see's him (Yup, i was right!)
3)I don't think you can eat Roosters like you do chicken...but then again, it is PNG.
Well, once again thanks for postin! You're half way done my friend! Miss you tons, But love you more!! :)
MUCH love!
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