I wanted to take some time and write a

bout a ministry here at Living Light called Faith Club. It was actually the first ministry I got involved in when I arrived. I was so blown away by it and blessed to be a part of it. Basically the church has all of these kids and mothers come. The kids are either orphans, abandoned, or from broken and struggling homes. The church buses all of these kids and mothers in so that they can hear the word of God and get a good nutritious meal. For most of them, it's the only

good meal they get all week. They have it on Tuesday and Thursday of every week and I go every chance that I get. There are separate services for the mothers and the children. It's so amazing to see these kids worship their Father in heaven Who sustains and comforts them. I've spoken for the children twice in the two weeks I've been here. I'm so amazed at ho

w the Lord has used me to encourage them and tell them more about the God who cares for and loves them so much. While service is going the food is cooked, but the mother's get there at eight o'clock in the morning to begin preparing it. They toil all day to get on the bus, go to the market and get the food, take the bus back, prepare the food, gather firewood, cut the firewood, build a fire, and actually cook the food. Pretty gnarly... The food doesn't look that good, but it's specially made to be a good, well-balanced and nutritious meal. When it's over the children all line up to get their food first and when they're all served, the moms get theirs. I usually go and help serve the food. What really amazed and blessed me was that some of the kids help serve as well. These kids are just as hungry and in just as hard situations, yet they serve faithfully and gladness. I have a hard serving out my abundance let alone in my need. It really challenged me. I love spending tim

e with these kids and I feel like I've already learned so much from my interactions with them. I know that God loves and cares for them so much. It's my goal and prayer they would see that in the love that I show them.
"Give me a J. Give me an E. Give me an S.
What about a U. Give me another S. What
does that spell?! JESUS!!!"
They are all soooo sweet!!!
Thats so awesome! Im proud of you Robbie. Its so awesome to read your posts and see how the Lord is growing you in his relationship with you. God Bless you man, and keep it up!
I would have to agree!
KIDS ARE AWESOME!!!! And they will find a way to get inside of you and melt you like putty! :)
You know, when you get home there are plenty of kids who could use your guidance and love.
A lot of our bus kids are in similar situations. We may not know what they are going through, but God does! And when we take the time to find out and love on them, they minister to us just by seeing their faith!Just something to think about for when you return.
I Love you Robby! Praying for you always!
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